Rising Sun Child Development Center

About Us

Rising Sun is a Child Development Center established with an aim to provide holistic and integrated therapy to children with neurodevelopmental conditions. We believe that every child is special and that in therapy one size doesn't fit all, our therapies are specially designed keeping every child's strengths, interests, and abilities in mind. A place where Neurodiversity is celebrated and where children learn and grow to find their own place in this world.


Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational therapists assess and target child's sensory processing differences.

Behavior Therapy

Our Behavioral therapists provide research-based behavior therapy to reduce behavioral problems in the child and enhance a child's helpful behaviors.

Speech Therapy

Our Speech therapists focus on improving the child's speech and ability to understand and express language.


Our Physiotherapists help children to achieve their optimal physical development, they have special knowledge of the movement, development, and conditions that are likely to affect a child's growth.

Special Education

Our special educators work on individual skills like fine motor skills, written expression, verbal expression, reasoning, and mathematical abilities that the kid is lacking which hinder the child’s academic progress.

Child counselling

Our Psychologists have the knowledge and expertise to find and identify issues while also diagnosing and helping the child to treat many adjustment issues, psychological distress, and mental health conditions.

Together may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly

Beyond therapy

Our Holistic approach brings parents, caregivers, and therapists together to provide a nurturing environment for the child.

  • Support groups for Parents

  • Art therapy

  • Social skills training

  • Family Counselling

  • Parent-training

Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles